Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Halloween Recap

I hope everyone had a fun Halloween this year! The weekend before Halloween our neighborhood had a trick or treating in the center of town. Ellie dressed up in her costume of a mermaid and Summer was a puppy dog. But, for her school parade and for Halloween she decided she wanted to be Cinderella. That was fine with me since we already had the Disney dress-up costumes. Summer wore Ellie's dog costume so I didn't have to spend any money on costumes this year. 

Ellie posed for class picture, but didn't want to participate in the parade so she watched with Summer and I:

Ellie, the mermaid princess:

We had so much fun watching the girls trick or treat on Halloween night. Ellie ran ahead with my Dad and did not understand why a house wouldn't have lights on or any decorations. It was Halloween, for goodness sake! Summer followed her sister's lead and walked up to every door and picked out a piece of candy all by herself. She pointed at the skeletons and laughed and waved goodbye to everyone. We did one loop around our block and Ellie was exhausted. Filling up her bucket with candy was exhausting. She had one milky way that night and nothing since (it's been 4 days). Luckily, she hasn't asked either. But, her candy is dwindling since someone (me) has been eating too much. I have no self control when it comes to Halloween candy, which is why I am donating the rest and this is why I cannot keep sweets in our house. Summer's favorite candy are lollipops. She had her first dum-dum lollipop last weekend and loved it. Of course I was a nervous wreck thinking she may choke on it so I only let her have half.

The girls and I carved our pumpkin the night before Halloween. We saved the seeds and I let them dry out overnight before roasting them the next day. A delicious, healthy snack!
I love Ellie's purple glitter princess pumpkin she painted at school:
 I created this card on the Red Stamp app and texted it to all of our family and friends:

It was such a fun night and one to remember!

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