It's Friday! Another week has passed and I'll be 29 weeks this weekend. These weeks are flying by- literally. Ellie keeps me busy every day and I love every second with her. We have play group Mondays and Tuesdays (she is in two different ones), Wednesdays are excursion days, Thursdays she has been in swimming class, and Fridays are usually play dates with friends. We also will meet with friends some days in the later afternoon after her nap.
Ellie is quite the talker. She has been saying more phrases instead of just one words. She has been repeating everything I say. Her new word she started today, which is loves saying is "wawer, " or "water." She also loves saying, "wash" when I'm doing the wash or we wash our hands. The other day she said, "one more," as in "one more time on the slide, Mommy!" She can count to five and loves the number 2. She gets very excited when she has two of something. She knows her colors, and blue and purple are her favorites. She loves coloring and holds the crayon very precisely and is very focused when she draws, colors, and paints. She has always had a good throw (since she was a baby!) and is complimented all the time when she throws a ball, but she also has a good foot. She loves kicking the ball. Our little athlete!! She loves swimming and I call her "my little fish." She is fearless. After class we play on the mini water slide, which she does all by herself. I sit at the bottom to catch her. She will lay in my arms and kick her legs and pull her arms. She still loves playing with her baby dolls and loves to change their diapers, "bocks" (blocks), "house," and cooking at her play kitchen. Just this month she started calling me "mommy" (or, "mommeee") in addition to "mama." It's so cute.
I can't believe she will be 22 months on Tuesday and just two more months until not only she turns 2, but also just 2 (plus some) more months of having just one baby. But, I must say she is excited to have a baby sister. We read the book, I'm a Big Sister, almost every day. It's the "baby" book and the big sister's name in the book is Ellie so it's perfect! As I'm reading she will say, "too," as in "I will help, too!" She loves feeling the baby kick. When I say, "Ellie, the baby is kicking" she immediately puts her hand on my bump to feel. She even shares her toys with the baby and waves and says, "hi" and gives her lots of hugs and kisses. It is the sweetest thing ever!
Here are a few recent photos of my beautiful daughter who amazes me everyday!
Coloring and patiently waiting for my glucose test |
"Smile, Ellie!" |
It's snowing! |
Ellie at 21 months