Ellie was one lucky girl when we found the perfect bedroom set on Craigslist. It was such a great deal, too. The set included a wide dresser, a night stand, full trundle bed, and mirror. The bed and mirror are currently in the garage. We moved Ellie's old dresser into the nursery. The bedroom furniture is beautiful. It's cream colored and made of real wood and looks brand new.
I've had my eye on an aqua glider at Babys R Us for months. The last time I went in there it was 50% off for that color (both
glider and
ottoman). It was so comfortable and although I liked our current glider, it was a handy me down and it was not the prettiest colors. This one would complement the nursery's hot pink walls and would grow up with the girls. This is how I convinced my hubby that we needed to buy it. After sitting in it he loved it, too. So, we bought the matching set for the nursery and just the glider for Ellie's room (since we just use it to read books in now).
Here it is in Ellie's room (paired with Ellie's patchwork quilt from Lauren, via Etsy):
I also just bought this 3 Sprouts storage
bin I've been lusting over for months. I bought it at a local children's store. It currently holds Ellie's stuffed animals and dolls. I'm thinking of going back to get the raccoon one that will match her playroom.
Here is a glimpse into our second baby girl's nursery. Shown is the dresser against one of the windows and you can see the hot pink paint color:
Check back this week for updated pictures of Ellie's room!