One year ago I gave birth to the most wonderful baby girl, Ellie. She has brought us so much happiness and joy into our lives, as well as into our family's lives, more than we ever could have imagined. It has been so amazing watching her grow and learn new things each month. This has been the best year of our lives and it gets better everyday because of her.

Her birthday morning started with one of her favorite breakfasts, a buttered waffle. Yum! I put a candle in it and sang her Happy Birthday. She received lots of text messages and phone calls, as well as a visit from Pop Pop (my dad) on his lunch hour. She showed him her toys, had a catch with him (he was impressed with her arm!), rode her Dino, and played hide 'n seek with him (her favorite game). She wore her birthday cupcake dress from Dido and Mom-Mom (on one of their shopping sprees for Ellie). Since it was just 2 days before her big party we had a few errands to do. I proudly told everyone we encountered it was her birthday. Everywhere we go strangers comment on how cute she is. I agree! It was a beautiful day so we made our daily trip to the playground. After playing with Daddy when he got home from work she took her afternoon nap, ate a quick dinner, then met her grandparents for ice cream- her 1st special treat! Until this day Ellie has never had any sweets. Tonight was her 1st lick of ice cream- my favorite, black raspberry. She wasn't a fan! We did manage to snap a few cute photos of her first tasting. We sang her Happy Birthday for the third time today and she was loving the attention! I am anxious to see if she enjoys her birthday cake on Saturday.
Ellie's Birthday Photos:
Waking up a happy girl! |
Reading books- she loves taking them off the bookshelf and reading to herself. |
Birthday waffle! You can see Ellie's finger pointing in the background- she's excited! |
Playing |
Dinner: her favorite- peas and veggie nuggets |
1st lick! |
Watching cars with Grandmom (one of her favorite things to do) |
Hanging with Mom Mom |
Happy 1st Birthday, Ellie!
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